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Continuous Enrollment

St. Peter Claver utilizes a "Continuous Enrollment" concept for students enrolled in our school. Continuous Enrollment assumes that once enrolled, a child will continue their education until graduation from eighth grade. Since most of our families remain year after year, this will streamline the enrollment and enrollment process by reducing time and paperwork for parents and the school staff.

Parents of currently enrolled students, please complete the form below to confirm your child(ren)'s enrollment for the upcoming school year.

Each enrollment period, parents will be given the opportunity to opt-out of continuous enrollment for the following school year by filling out this electronic opt-out form.

Continuous Enrollment Submission
    • I hereby opt into continuous enrollment. This means that my SPCRCS student(s) will keep coming back to SPCRCS every year unless I notify the school otherwise or the school leadership makes this decision for disciplinary or financial reasons.
    • I understand that I have the option each year to notify the Enrollment Office of any changes in my enrollment plans for my child/children by completing an Opt-Out/Withdrawal Form.
    • I understand that all enrollment signed for  this school year will apply to all years going forward until I have notified SPCRCS of any changes or my plans to withdraw my children.
    • I understand that the continuous enrollment fee is billed on FACTS and due on March 15th.
    • I agree to keep our student's demographic information updated in the school's information system and FACTS by promptly notifying the school's Main Office of any changes.
    • I agree to maintain a current FACTS agreement with the terms agreed upon (1 payment, 2 payment, or 11 month payment plan pulled on the 5th or 20th of month) and that any changes to those terms must be communicated in writing to the Business Office.
    • I agree to the financial policies set forth in this agreement and acknowledge that we will review the Family Handbook each year for any changes to those policies.
    • I agree to fulfill all financial obligations promptly.
      I understand that each year, SPCRCS will publish the following school year's tuition rates and post it to the website. A text or email will be sent to notify families when the new rates have been posted.

  • I, the undersigned, understand that if my child/children is admitted to St. Peter Claver Regional Catholic School and I agree to Continuous Enrollment, I am obliged to pay all tuition, fees, and expenses for that year. I also understand that all application fees are non-refundable. Tuition must be current to maintain continuous enrollment status.

    I understand that my FACTS account can be set up with one of the following tuition payment plan options:

    11 Payment Plan ($50 FACTS fee)- tuition is pulled monthly in 11 equal installments from June to April.
    1 Payment Plan (No FACTS fee) - tuition is pulled one time in full prior to the start of the school year.
    Payment date options are the 5th or 20th of each month

    Once your online FACTS agreement is set up, the agreement will be the same each year unless written notice to change the payment plan option is provided to the Business Office. Follow this link to set up your FACTS account:

    I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided above is accurate and complete.

  • Opt-Out/Withdrawal Policy

    Each enrollment period, parents will be given the opportunity to opt-out of continuous enrollment for the following school year by going to the school's website and filling out the electronic Opt-Out / Withdrawal form.  

    If you choose to remove your child from SPCRCS, please fill out the Opt-Out Withdrawal  Form.

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