St. Peter Claver School uses the Archdiocesan curriculum for religion, science, math, reading, language arts, social studies, art, music, physical education and health, guidance, foreign language, and technology.
Textbooks serve as resources for meeting curriculum standards and objectives. Chromebooks are 1:1 for Grades 5 through 8. All programs uphold the Catholic Church’s teaching on the value of life and the inherent dignity of all humans.
The Pre-Kindergarten class at St. Peter Claver Regional Catholic School is characterized by readiness activities to encourage a life-long love of learning. Recognizing that children grow in predictable stages, the Pre-K program treats each child as an individual. The teachers work from the level attained thus far to allow the children to experience their own stages of development and help them to feel success without pressure. A structured reading and math readiness program, activities to develop motor coordination, dramatic play, art and music are part of the daily routine so that the children's intellectual, physical and social skills are enriched.
In a caring and positive atmosphere, St. Peter Claver creates a warm and happy place for Pre-Kindergartners to learn. To bridge the gap from home to school, teachers guide children to maintain positive self-image while building social skills in a school setting. Based on the theory that children learn through play, classroom routines encourage active involvement, meaningful reinforcement through repetition and daily individual review and instruction.
St. Peter Claver Regional Catholic School offers a comprehensive elementary program that utilizes whole and small group instruction to meet individual student needs. Students participate in daily reading, writing, and phonics instruction to establish a strong foundation of language and literacy. Mathematics and the social sciences comprise a significant portion of a student’s day.
Each classroom utilizes a SMART/ViewSonic Board to engage students with content in a technologically centered manner. Students also participate in "Specials", which includes Art, Music, Technology, Guidance, Spanish, Media, and Physical Education each week.
St. Peter Claver School’s intermediate curriculum strengthens the student’s critical thinking skills with rich objectives and many resources at the children’s finger tips. The combined 5th/6th grade blended learning class helps students prepare for the middle school tasks while incorporating key study skills.
The Language Arts program focuses mainly on critical thinking, reading comprehension, written expression, vocabulary and spelling. The Math program concentrates on computation, problem solving, geometry, statistics, and beginning algebra concepts. The science curriculum has content about life cycles, energy, plants and introduces the scientific method. The Social Studies program focuses on geography.
In the middle school classrooms, students are challenged to think creatively, prudently and work collaboratively, all within the context of Catholic beliefs and
values. In social studies, religion and literature, students are challenged to think beyond their immediate circumstances and embrace a habit of thoughtful consideration for the needs of others. In science, mathematics, and grammar, students are challenged to scrutinize and evaluate systems for logical accuracy, developing their analytic skills.
Each course stresses the need for clear and effective communication, both personally (in writing and speaking) and collectively (in collaboration with others). Each classroom comes outfitted with 1:1 Chromebooks, Interactive smart/sonic boards which the students use for research and for conducting their Moby Max assignments.